
A better way to prepare for storm tides in Chesapeake Bay

The Tidewatch network provides an effective way to measure, visualize, and predict the magnitude and impacts of coastal flooding at locations within Chesapeake Bay and along Virginia's seaside Eastern Shore. Use Tidewatch charts to better prepare for storm tides and minimize their potential impacts. The charts are particularly useful for comparing storm tides in areas with different tidal ranges.

Each Tidewatch chart displays the difference between the predicted astronomical tide and observed water level at a given location. This difference—the residual—represents non-tidal, weather-induced change in water level including storm surge. The system was developed by emeritus professor John Boon of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS).

Tidewatch Stations

Access observations and forecasts for individual Tidewatch stations using the links or Google Map below, or view a single graph that compares water-level forecasts among all the Chesapeake Bay stations.

View VIMS Tidewatch Network in a larger map
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