Major Immersion Semester

Students admitted to the Coastal & Marine Sciences major will be required to participate in our fall semester immersion experience at the W&M's Batten School & VIMS campus during their first semester in the major program (fall of junior year). The immersion semester provides majors a fully-engaged, cohort-based, learning environment which incorporates numerous field and laboratory experiences across their integrated courses. 

Anticipated Fall 2025 Immersion Semester Courses 
Major Common Core (9 credits) - Taught Tuesdays and Thursdays, Times TBD

Students selected to participate in the fall 2025 immersion semester experience will be expected to take all of these major common core courses at the Batten School & VIMS campus. They should plan to spend the entire day Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Batten School & VIMS campus. Daily return-trip transportation will be provided in the morning and late afternoon.

  • MSCI 320 - Coastal and Marine Chemistry (3 credits) 
    Pre-req: MSCI 230 Introduction to Marine Science & CHEM 103 General Chemistry (or CHEM 205 Advanced General Chemistry)
  • MSCI 360 - Field and Research Methods in Marine Science (3 credits)
    Pre-req: MSCI 230 Introduction to Marine Science
    Co-req: MSCI 365 
  • MSCI 365 - Quantitative Methods in Marine Science (3 credits)
    Pre-req: MSCI 230 Introduction to Marine Science
    Co-req: MSCI 360

Those students who will have completed the existing MSCI 401B Chemical Oceanography course (offered spring 2025) will be exempted from taking MSCI 320 Coastal and Marine Chemistry during the fall 2025 immersion semester.

Potential Optional Major Electives - Taught Mondays, Wednesdays, and/or Friday

For the fall 2025 immersion semester only, the remainder of a student's course load can either be taken at the Batten School & VIMS campus, or on the main W&M campus. The undergraduate program director will work closely with students to determine their individual course plans. 

  • MSCI 390 - Research in Marine Science (1-3 credits)
    Pre-req: MSCI 230 Introduction to Marine Science
  • MSCI 392 - Coastal and Marine Internship (1-3 credits)
  • MSCI 398 - Marine Science Seminars (1 credit)
Anticipated Fall 2026 Immersion Semester Courses 

Students who gain admission to the major in spring 2026 will be required to participate in the fall 2026 immersion semester experience at the Batten School & VIMS campus. Students will not take any courses on the main W&M Williamsburg campus during this immersion semester. Students should plan to spend the entire day, Monday through Friday, at the Batten School & VIMS campus. Daily return-trip transportation to the W&M Williamsburg campus will be provided in the morning and late afternoon.

Major Common Core (9 credits) - Taught Mondays/Wednesdays and Tuesdays/Thursdays
  • MSCI 320 - Coastal and Marine Chemistry (3 credits) 
    Pre-req: MSCI 230 Introduction to Marine Science & CHEM 103 General Chemistry (or CHEM 205 Advanced General Chemistry)
  • MSCI 360 - Field and Research Methods in Marine Science (3 credits)
    Pre-req: MSCI 230 Introduction to Marine Science
    Co-req: MSCI 365 
  • MSCI 365 - Quantitative Methods in Marine Science (3 credits)
    Pre-req: MSCI 230 Introduction to Marine Science
    Co-req: MSCI 360 
Major Electives (6-7 credits) - Taught Mondays through Fridays
  • MSCI 390 - Research in Marine Science (1-3 credits)
    Pre-req: MSCI 230 Introduction to Marine Science
  • MSCI 392 - Coastal and Marine Internship (1-3 credits)
  • MSCI 398 - Marine Science Seminars (1 credit)
  • Other courses to be determined