Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 10am on Thursday, January 22.

Hall-Bonner Program for Minority Doctoral Scholars

 The School of Marine Science at VIMS is a partner with Hampton University and Old Dominion University in the Hall-Bonner Program for Minority Doctoral Scholars in the Ocean Sciences. The program seeks to increase the diversity of students earning doctoral degrees in the marine and ocean sciences.

In addition to support provided by VIMS, Hall-Bonner Scholars are eligible to receive additional funding for tuition, research, and travel and are expected to participate in a pre-enrollment summer course that eases the transition to graduate studies and provides exposure to a variety of research experiences. As a part of the program, scholars participate in enrichment and career-building activities, including special seminars, research cruises, teaching, community-outreach, academic employment preparation, and attendance at scientific society meetings.

For more information on the Hall-Bonner program,  visit http://science.hamptonu.edu/mes/hall_bonner.cfm

To learn more about the Hall-Bonner Program at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, contact:

Dr. Linda Schaffner
VIMS/SMS Hall-Bonner Program Director