Funding Opportunities

Internal Funding Opportunities


GSA Student Research Grant

  • Up to $1,000 for research supplies not covered by other funding sources
  • Awarded 1x per semester 
  • Contact: Tor Mowatt-Larssen (
GSA Student Research Grant 2022-23
2022-2023 Term:
RFP Announcement              Application Deadline           Spending Period
Fall               September 26th          Oct 10th - Feb 3rd 
Spring              January 21st           Feb 4th - May 31st
GSA Student Research Grant 2023 Onward
2023 Onward:
RFP Announcement             Application Deadline             Spending Period
Fall               July 18th           Aug 1st - Dec 31st
Spring              December 18th            Jan 1st - May 31st


GSA Student Travel Grant

  • Up to $300 for attending conferences. Preference is given to students that have not yet received the reformatted award.
  • These funds can be used to reimburse registration fees/abstract submission fees that have already been paid.
  • Online application due by 11:59 PM September 23rd, 2022: Click here to apply.
  • Contact: Alexa Labossiere (
GSA Student Travel Grant
RFP Announcement             Application Deadline             Travel Period
Fall             September 23rd            Oct 7th-Feb 6th
Spring             January 23rd                            Feb 7th - June 1
Summer*             May 20th                               June 2nd - Oct 6th

*Note: Summer travel grants will be included in the following fiscal year, so reimbursements of summer expenditures cannot begin until July at the earliest. 

External Funding Opportunities


Scholarships and Resources for Minority Graduate Students

Funding Opportunities - A compiled list (pdf) of potential graduate student funding opportunities. Updated March 2016.

Eligibility in 1st Year

NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

  • 3 years of support ($30,000 stipend, $10,500 tuition)

EPA STAR Fellowship

  • 3 years of support (stipend and tuition, varies by degree)
Eligibility during graduate career

Anchor QEA Scholarship

  • For research support ($500-$5,000)

Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program

  • 1 year of support ($30,000 stipend, $12,000 tuition, $10,000 research

GWIS National Fellowships

  • For women conducting graduate research ($1,000-$5,000 for research)

Lerner-Gray Grants for Marine Research

  • Research support ($500-$2,000)

MTS Student Scholarships

  • For research support ($1,000-$2,500); must be a student member (free)

NERRS Graduate Research Fellowship

  • 1-3 years of support ($20,000 stipend)

Sea Grant John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship

  • 1 year of support ($49,000)

Smithsonian Graduate Student Fellowships

  • 3 years of support ($30,000 stipend) for predoctoral fellowships, research support ($6,500) for students
Eligibility in final year of PhD

AAUW American Fellowship

  • For women completing their doctoral dissertations

Josephine De Karman Fellowship

  • 1 year of support ($22,000 stipend) for those defending by the next calendar year