Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.

Course Design & Development

Designing a new course or updating an existing course is exciting and can also be challenging.  Our best advice is to start planning as early as possible.  

First Step!

As you begin planning a new course or major modifications to an existing course, your first step should be to schedule a meeting with the VIMS/SMS Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to discuss the following: 1) fit of the proposed/modified course in the curriculum (UG, G, subconcentration, service course for another department); 2) SMS student demand and need for a proposed/modified course; and 3) course support details such as allowable charges for field and lab courses, field trips, boat rentals and other costs that may be incurred for a particular course. 

Next Steps

The following William & Mary and School of Marine Science guidelines and policies should be reviewed as early as possible.  The bulleted links below go to the Teaching – Information & Resources (A-Z) list, and you may need to scroll down a bit to the relevant section: 

Once you're aware of the basics, you can move on to design details, develop content and explore strategies for effective teaching. William & Mary's Studio for Teaching & Learning Innovation (STLI) has a Course Design Series that covers the basics such as using course goals and learning objectives to create a map for your course, and creating a syllabus. STLI's Teaching Resources page provides many additional resources listed by topic. STLI offers consultations and various workshops and other events, such as the Quick Bite lunch series, that will help you learn and also connect with colleagues across the university to share ideas.  STLI workshops and events are announced via email and the W&M Digest.

Sometimes, the devil is in the details!  To help you navigate the many processes, procedures and resources that will become part of your teaching-related worklife, check out Teaching – Information & Resources (A-Z).  We've centralized information on university-wide and VIMS/SMS curriculum and teaching policies, instructions for how to do things like check class rosters and submit grades, and links to additional resources and people that will help to support your teaching and professional development. If you will be teaching an undergraduate course through Arts & Sciences, please also review A&S Resources for Teaching & Course Development

If you're looking for something and can't find it, or have any questions, please let us know.

Other Resources (External):

Designing Effective and Innovative Courses (Carleton College, Teach the Earth)

Reflective Teaching - Create a Continuous Improvement Cycle (University of Illinois Chicago, Center for the Advancement of Teaching Excellence)

Teaching Practices Inventory (CBE - Life Sciences Education)

Understanding by Design (Vanderbilt University, Center for Teaching)


last page update: 6/28/24 by LCS