Romuald N. Lipcius
(804) 684-7330
Andrews Hall 427
Natural Resources
- B.S., University of Rhode Island
- Ph.D., Florida State University
Research Interests
- Marine Conservation Ecology, Biomathematics
- blue crab, eastern oyster, spiny lobster, marine bivalves
- conservation, restoration, and ecosystem-based fishery management
- population dynamics and applied mathematical modeling
- metapopulation and source-sink dynamics, predator-prey interactions
- self-organization, pattern formation, alternative stable states
- quantitative evaluation of nursery habitats
Current Projects
- Restoration and metapopulation source-sink dynamics of eastern oyster
- Quantitative value of blue crab nursery habitats
- Predator-prey and food-web dynamics involving the blue crab and eastern oyster
- Mathematical modeling of blue crab and eastern oyster
- Ecosystem services of restored oyster reefs
- Fishery management and stock assessment of blue crab
Current Students
- Dave Schulte (Ph.D.) Restoration of Eastern Oyster Populations in Lower Chesapeake Bay
- Kristen Bachand (M.S.) Seagrass Beds as Nursery Habitats of Blue Crab
Community Ecology (Dr. Rochelle Seitz) & Marine Conservation Ecology (Dr. Rom Lipcius) Labs
Top (staff): Katie Knick, Mike Seebo, Gabby Saluta, Alison Smith
Bottom: Kathy Longmire (Seitz M.S. student), Rochelle Seitz, Rom Lipcius, Kristen Bachand (Lipcius M.S. student)
Not shown: Dave Schulte (Lipcius Ph.D. student)
Schulte, D.M., R.P. Burke and R.N. Lipcius. Gear and survey efficiency of patent tongs for oyster populations on restoration reefs. Public Library of Science ONE in press.
Bromilow, A.M. and R.N. Lipcius. 2017. Mechanisms governing ontogenetic habitat shifts: role of trade-offs, predation, and cannibalism for the blue crab. Marine Ecology Progress Series 584: 145-159.
Colden, A.M., R.J. Latour and R.N. Lipcius. 2017. Reef height drives threshold dynamics of restored oyster reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 582: 1-13.
DePiper, G.S., D.W. Lipton and R.N. Lipcius. 2017. Valuing ecosystem services: oysters, denitrification, and nutrient trading programs. Marine Resource Economics 32: 1-20.
Seitz, R.D., R.N. Lipcius and A.H. Hines. 2016. Consumer versus resource control and the importance of habitat heterogeneity for estuarine bivalves. Oikos doi: 10.1111/oik.03330.
Moore, J.L., R.N. Lipcius, B. Puckett and S.J. Schreiber. 2016. The demographic consequences of growing older and bigger in oyster populations. Ecological Applications 26: 2206-2217.
Theuerkauf, S.J. and R.N. Lipcius. 2016. Quantitative validation of a habitat suitability index for oyster restoration. Frontiers in Marine Science 3:64, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2016.00064, 9 pp.
Lipcius, R.N., R.P. Burke, D.N. McCulloch, S.J. Schreiber, D.M. Schulte, R.D. Seitz and J. Shen. 2015. Overcoming restoration paradigms: value of the historical record and metapopulation dynamics in native oyster restoration. Frontiers in Marine Science 2:65, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2015.00065, 15 pp.
Theuerkauf, S.J., R.P. Burke and R.N. Lipcius. 2015. Settlement, growth and survival of eastern oysters on alternative reef substrates. Journal of Shellfish Research 34(2):241-250.
Colden, A.M. and R.N. Lipcius. 2015. Lethal and sublethal effects of sediment burial on the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Marine Ecology Progress Series 527: 105-117.
Tulipani, D.C. and R.N. Lipcius. 2014. Evidence of eelgrass (Zostera marina) seed dispersal by northern diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin terrapin) in lower Chesapeake Bay. PLOS ONE 9(7): e103346. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0103346.
Ralph, G.M. and R.N. Lipcius. 2014. Critical habitats and stock assessment: age-specific bias in the Chesapeake Bay blue crab population survey. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143: 889-898.
Long, W.C., R.D. Seitz, B.J. Brylawski and R.N. Lipcius. 2014. Individual, population, and ecosystem effects of hypoxia on a dominant benthic bivalve in Chesapeake Bay. Ecological Monographs 84: 303-327.
Seitz, R.D., H. Wennhage, U. Bergstrom, R.N. Lipcius and T. Ysebaert. 2014. Ecological value of coastal habitats for commercially and ecologically important species. ICES Journal of Marine Science 71: 648-665.
Ralph, G.M., R.D. Seitz, R.J. Orth, K.E. Knick and R.N. Lipcius. 2013. Broad-scale association between seagrass cover and juvenile blue crab density in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 488: 51-63.
Wilberg, M.J, J.M. Robinson, S.A.M. Rains, J.L. Humphrey and R.N. Lipcius. 2013. Effects of location errors on estimates of dredge catchability from depletion based methods. Fisheries Research 148: 1-8.
Lipcius, R.N., W.T. Stockhausen and D.B. Eggleston. 2013. Metapopulation dynamics and marine reserves: Caribbean spiny lobster in Exuma Sound, Bahamas. In (Chapter 7 The Bahamas: Tropical Island Nation) Marine Conservation (Eds. Ray, G.C. and J. McCormick-Ray). Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, UK.
Johnston, C.A. and R.N. Lipcius. 2012. Exotic macroalga Gracilaria vermiculophylla provides superior nursery habitat for native blue crab in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 467: 137-146.
Hernández Cordero, A.L., R.D. Seitz, C. Bovery, D.M. Schulte and R.N. Lipcius. 2012. Habitat affects survival of translocated bay scallops, Argopecten irradians concentricus (Say 1822), in lower Chesapeake Bay. Estuaries and Coasts 35: 1340-1345.
Miller, T.J., M.J. Wilberg, A.R. Colton, G.R. Davis, A. Sharov, R.N. Lipcius, G.M. Ralph, E.G. Johnson and A.G. Kaufman. 2011. Stock Assessment of the Blue Crab in Chesapeake Bay. University of Maryland Technical Report Series TS-614-11, 203 pp.
Jordan-Cooley, W.C., R.N. Lipcius, L.B. Shaw, J. Shen and J. Shi. 2011. Bistability in a differential equation model of oyster population and sediment volume. Journal of Theoretical Biology 289: 1-11.
Lipcius, R.N. and G.M. Ralph. 2011. Evidence of source-sink dynamics in marine and estuarine species. In Sources, Sinks, and Sustainability (Eds. J. Liu, V. Hull, A. T. Morzillo and J. A. Wiens), pp. 361-381, Cambridge University Press.
Sanchez-Rubio, G., H.M. Perry, P.M. Biesiot, D.R. Johnson and R.N. Lipcius. 2011. Climate-related hydrological regimes and their effects on abundance of juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in the northcentral Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Fishery Bulletin 109: 139-146.
Sanchez-Rubio, G., H.M. Perry, P.M. Biesiot, D.R. Johnson and R.N. Lipcius. 2011. Oceanic-atmospheric modes of variability and their influence on riverine input to coastal Louisiana and Mississippi. Journal of Hydrology 396: 72-81.
Rook, M.A., R.N. Lipcius, B.M. Bonner and R.M. Chambers. 2010. Bycatch reduction device conserves diamondback terrapin without affecting catch of blue crab. Marine Ecology Progress Series 409: 171-179.
Schulte, D.M., R.P. Burke and R.N. Lipcius. 2009. Unprecedented restoration of a native oyster metapopulation. Science 325: 1124-1128.
Lipcius, R.N., D.B. Eggleston, S.J. Schreiber, R.D. Seitz, J. Shen, M. Sisson, W.T. Stockhausen and H.V. Wang. 2008. Importance of metapopulation connectivity to restocking and restoration of marine species. Reviews in Fishery Science 16: 101-110.
Seitz, R.D., R.N. Lipcius, K.E. Knick, M.S. Seebo, W.C. Long, B.J. Brylawski and A. Smith. 2008. Stock enhancement and carrying capacity of blue crab nursery habitats in Chesapeake Bay. Reviews in Fishery Science 16: 329-337.
Zohar, Y., A.H. Hines, O. Zmora, E.G. Johnson, R.N. Lipcius, R.D. Seitz, D.B. Eggleston, A.R. Place, E.J. Schott, J.D. Stubblefield and J. Sook Chung. 2008. The Chesapeake Bay blue crab (Callinectes sapidus): a multidisciplinary approach to responsible stock replenishment. Reviews in Fishery Science 16: 25-35.
Kleps, R.A., T.C. Myers, R.N. Lipcius and T.O. Henderson. 2007. A sex-specific metabolite identified in a marine invertebrate utilizing phosphorus-31 nuclear magnetic resonance. Public Library of Science One e780: 1-8.
Hewitt, D.A., D.M. Lambert, J.M. Hoenig, R.N. Lipcius, D.B. Bunnell and T.J. Miller. 2007. Direct and indirect estimates of natural mortality for Chesapeake Bay blue crab. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136: 1030-1040.
Lipcius, R.N., D.B. Eggleston, K.L. Heck, Jr., R.D. Seitz and J. van Montfrans. 2007. Ecology of postlarval and young juvenile blue crabs. In The Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus (Eds. Victor S. Kennedy and L. Eugene Cronin), pp. 535-564. University of Maryland Sea Grant Press, 800 pp.
Fogarty, M.J. and R.N. Lipcius. 2007. Population dynamics and fisheries. In The Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus (Eds. Victor S. Kennedy and L. Eugene Cronin), pp. 711-755. University of Maryland Sea Grant Press, 800 pp.
Seitz, R.D., R.N. Lipcius, N.H. Olmstead, M.S. Seebo and D.M. Lambert. 2006. Influence of shallow-water habitats and shoreline development on abundance, biomass, and diversity of benthic prey and predators in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 326: 11-27.
Lambert, D.M., J.M. Hoenig and R.N. Lipcius. 2006. Tag-return estimation of annual and semi-annual survival rates of adult female blue crabs. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135: 1592-1603.
Lipcius, R.N. and R. Latour. 2006. Food web interactions and modeling. Pp. 91-128, In Fisheries Ecosystem Planning for the Chesapeake Bay. American Fisheries Society, Trends in Fisheries Science and Management 3, Bethesda, Maryland.
Schreiber, S.J., R.N. Lipcius, R.D. Seitz and W.C. Long. 2006. Dancing between the devil and deep blue sea: the stabilizing effect of enemy-free sinks and victimless sinks. Oikos 113: 67-81.
Lambert, D.M., R.N. Lipcius and J.M. Hoenig. 2006. Assessing effectiveness of the blue crab spawning stock sanctuary in Chesapeake Bay using tag-return methodology. Marine Ecology Progress Series 321: 215-225.
Lipcius, R.N., R.D. Seitz, M.S. Seebo and D. Coĺón-Carrión. 2005. Density, abundance and survival of the blue crab in seagrass and unstructured salt marsh nurseries of Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 319: 69-80.
Seitz, R.D., R.N. Lipcius and M.S. Seebo. 2005. Food availability and growth of the blue crab in seagrass and unvegetated nurseries of Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 319: 57-68.
Aguilar, R., A.H. Hines, M.A. Kramer, D.L. Wolcott, T.G. Wolcott and R.N. Lipcius. 2005. The timing and route of movement and migration of post-copulatory female blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, from the upper Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 319: 117-128.
Gascoigne, J. and R.N. Lipcius. 2005. Periodic dynamics in a two-stage Allee effect model are driven by tension between stage equilibria. Theoretical Population Biology 68: 237-241.
Lipcius, R.N., L.B. Crowder and L.E. Morgan. 2005. Metapopulation structure and marine reserves. Pp. 328-345, In Marine Conservation Biology (Eds. E. Norse and L.B. Crowder). Island Press.
Gascoigne, J. and R.N. Lipcius. 2004. Conserving populations at low abundance: delayed functional maturity and Allee effects in reproductive behaviour of the queen conch Strombus gigas. Marine Ecology Progress Series 284: 185-194.
Gascoigne, J.C. and R.N. Lipcius. 2004. Allee effects driven by predation. Journal of Applied Ecology 41: 801-810.
Gascoigne, J. and R.N. Lipcius. 2004. Allee effects in marine systems. Marine Ecology Progress Series 269: 49-59.
Peterson, C.E. and R.N. Lipcius. 2003. Conceptual progress towards predicting quantitative ecosystem benefits of ecological restorations. Marine Ecology Progress Series 264: 297-307.
Lipcius, R.N., W.T. Stockhausen, R.D. Seitz and P.J. Geer. 2003. Spatial dynamics and value of a marine protected area and corridor for the blue crab spawning stock in Chesapeake Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 72: 453-470.
Seitz, R.D., R.N. Lipcius, W.T. Stockhausen, K.A. Delano, M.S. Seebo and P.D. Gerdes. 2003. Potential bottom-up control of blue crab distribution at various spatial scales. Bulletin of Marine Science 72: 471-490.
Stockhausen, W.T. and R.N. Lipcius. 2003. Simulated effects of seagrass loss and restoration on settlement and recruitment of blue crab postlarvae and juveniles in the York River, Chesapeake Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 72: 409-422.
Sharov, A., J.H. Volstad, G.R. Davis, B.K. Davis, R.N. Lipcius and M.M. Montane. 2003. Abundance and exploitation rate of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) in Chesapeake Bay. Bulletin of Marine Science 72: 543-566.
Lipcius, R.N. 2003. Summary of session: Ecology of early benthic juveniles. Bulletin of Marine Science 72: 367-370.
Turnipseed, M., K.E. Knick, R.N. Lipcius, J. Dreyer and C.L. Van Dover. 2003. Diversity in mussel beds at deep-sea hydrothermal vents and cold seeps. Ecology Letters 6: 518-523.
Lipcius, R.N., W.T. Stockhausen and D.B. Eggleston. 2003. Metapopulation dynamics and marine reserves: Caribbean spiny lobster in Exuma Sound, Bahamas. In (Chapter 7 The Bahamas: Tropical Island Nation) Coastal-Marine Conservation: Science and Policy (Eds. Ray, G.C. and J. McCormick-Ray). Blackwell Scientific, Oxford, UK.
Hovel, K.A. and R.N. Lipcius. 2002. Effect of seagrass habitat fragmentation on juvenile blue crab survival and abundance. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 271: 75-98.
Lipcius, R.N. and W.T. Stockhausen. 2002. Concurrent decline of the spawning stock, recruitment, larval abundance, and size of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 226: 45-61.
Lipcius, R.N., W.T. Stockhausen and D.B. Eggleston. 2001. Marine reserves for Caribbean spiny lobster: empirical evaluation and theoretical metapopulation dynamics. Marine and Freshwater Research 52: 1589-1598.
Stockhausen, W.T. and R.N. Lipcius. 2001. Single large or several small marine reserves for the Caribbean spiny lobster? Marine and Freshwater Research 52: 1605-1614.
Lipcius, R.N., R.D. Seitz, W.J. Goldsborough, M.M. Montane and W.T. Stockhausen. 2001. A deep-water dispersal corridor for adult female blue crabs in Chesapeake Bay. Spatial Processes and Management of Marine Populations (Eds. Gordon H. Kruse, Nicolas Bez, Anthony Booth, Martin W. Dorn, Sue Hills, Romuald N. Lipcius, Dominique Pelletier, Claude Roy, Stephen J. Smith, and David Witherell), pp. 643-666. University of Alaska Sea Grant, AK-SG-01-02, Fairbanks.
Kruse, G., N. Bez, A. Booth, M. Dorn, S. Hills, R. Lipcius, D. Pelletier, C. Roy, S. Smith and D. Witherell (Eds.). 2001. Spatial Processes and Management of Marine Populations. University of Alaska Sea Grant, AK-SG-01-02, Fairbanks.
Seitz, R.D., R.N. Lipcius, W.T. Stockhausen and M.M. Montane. 2001. Efficacy of blue crab spawning sanctuaries in Chesapeake Bay. Spatial Processes and Management of Marine Populations (Eds. Gordon H. Kruse, Nicolas Bez, Anthony Booth, Martin W. Dorn, Sue Hills, Romuald N. Lipcius, Dominique Pelletier, Claude Roy, Stephen J. Smith, and David Witherell), pp. 607-626. University of Alaska Sea Grant, AK-SG-01-02, Fairbanks.
Seitz, R.D., R.N. Lipcius, A.H. Hines and D.B. Eggleston. 2001. Density-dependent predation, habitat variation, and the persistence of marine bivalve prey. Ecology 82: 2435-2451.
Hovel, K.A. and R.N. Lipcius. 2001. Habitat fragmentation in a seagrass landscape: patch size and complexity control blue crab survival. Ecology 82: 1814-1829.
Seitz, R.D. and R.N. Lipcius. 2001. Variation in top-down and bottom-up control of marine bivalves at differing spatial scales. ICES Journal of Marine Science 58: 689-699.
Hovel, K.A., A. Bartholomew and R.N. Lipcius. 2001. Rapidly entrainable tidal vertical migrations in the salt marsh snail Littoraria irrorata. Estuaries 24: 808-816.
Lipcius, R.N. and D.B. Eggleston. 2000. Ecology and fishery biology of spiny lobsters. Pp. 1-41, In: Phillips, B.and J. Kittaka (eds.), Spiny lobster management: fisheries and aquaculture. Fishing News Books, Oxford, UK.
Stockhausen, W.T., R.N. Lipcius and B. Hickey. 2000. Joint effects of larval dispersal, population regulation, marine reserve design, and exploitation on production and recruitment in the Caribbean spiny lobster. Bulletin of Marine Science 66: 957-990.
Pardieck, R., R. Orth, R. Diaz and R. Lipcius. 1999. Ontogenetic changes in habitat use by postlarvae and young juveniles of the blue crab. Marine Ecology Progress Series 186: 227-238.
Padma, T. V., R. C. Hale, M. H. Roberts and R. N. Lipcius. 1999. Toxicity of creosote water soluble fractions generated from contaminated sediments to the bay mysid. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 42: 171-176.
Lipcius, R., D. Eggleston, D. Miller and T. Camarena Luhrs. 1998. The habitat-survival function for Caribbean spiny lobster: an inverted size effect and non-linearity in mixed algal and seagrass habitats. Marine and Freshwater Research 49: 807-816.
Eggleston, D., R. Lipcius, L. Marshall and S. Ratchford. 1998. Spatiotemporal variation in postlarval recruitment of the Caribbean spiny lobster in the central Bahamas: lunar and seasonal periodicity, spatial coherence, and wind forcing. Marine Ecology Progress Series 174: 33-49.
Eggleston, D., J. Grover and R. Lipcius. 1998. Ontogenetic diet shifts in Nassau grouper: trophic linkages and predatory impact. Bulletin of Marine Science 63: 111-126.
Lipcius, R., W. Stockhausen, D. Eggleston, L. Marshall and B. Hickey. 1997. Hydrodynamic decoupling of recruitment, habitat quality and adult abundance in the Caribbean spiny lobster: source-sink dynamics? Marine and Freshwater Research 48: 807-815.
Moksnes, P., R. Lipcius, L. Pihl and J. van Montfrans. 1997. Cannibal-prey dynamics in young juveniles and postlarvae of the blue crab. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 215: 157-187.
Boles, L. and R. Lipcius. 1997. Potential for population regulation of the zebra mussel by finfish and the blue crab in North American estuaries. Journal of Shellfish Research 16: 179-186.
Eggleston, D., R. Lipcius and J. Grover. 1997. Predator and shelter-size effects on coral reef fish and spiny lobster prey. Marine Ecology Progress Series 149: 43-59.
Pile, A., R. Lipcius, J. van Montfrans and R. Orth. 1996. Density-dependent settler-recruit-juvenile relationships in blue crabs. Ecological Monographs 66: 277-300.
Orth, R., J. van Montfrans, R. Lipcius and K. Metcalf. 1996. Utilization of seagrass habitat by the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, in Chesapeake Bay: a review. In: Kuo, J., R. Phillips, D. Walker and H. Kirkman (eds.), Seagrass biology: proceedings of an international workshop. CSIRO, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 213-224.
Mosca, T., P. Rudershausen and R. Lipcius. 1995. Do striped bass and blue crab abundances correlate in Chesapeake Bay? Virginia Journal of Science 46: 249-258.
van Montfrans, J., C. Epifanio, D. Knott, R. Lipcius, D. Mense, K. Metcalf, E. Olmi, R. Orth, M. Posey, E. Wenner and T. West. 1995. Settlement of blue crab postlarvae in Western North Atlantic estuaries. Bulletin of Marine Science 57: 834-854.
Metcalf, K., J. van Montfrans, R. Lipcius and R. Orth. 1995. Settlement indices for blue crab megalopae in the York River, Virginia: temporal relationships and statistical efficiency. Bulletin of Marine Science 57: 781-792.
Mintz, J., R. Lipcius, D. Eggleston and M. Seebo. 1994. Survival of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobster: effects of shelter size, geographic location and conspecific abundance. Marine Ecology Progress Series 112: 255-266.
Lipcius, R. and J. S. Cobb. 1994. Ecology and fishery biology of spiny lobsters. In: Phillips, B., J. S. Cobb and J. Kittaka (eds.), Spiny lobster management: current situation and perspectives. Fishing News Books, Oxford, UK pp. 1-30.
Lipcius, R. and J. S. Cobb. 1993. Fishery ecology of Palinurid lobsters with relevance to the Caribbean spiny lobster. Bahamas Journal of Science 1: 16-27.
Eggleston, D. and R. Lipcius. 1992. Dynamics of shelter selection by Caribbean spiny lobster under variable predation risk, social conditions and shelter size. Ecology 73: 992-1011.
Metcalf, K. and R. Lipcius. 1992. Effects of habitat and spatial scales upon the developmental state and settlement of blue crab postlarvae in Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 82: 143-150.
Eggleston, D., R. Lipcius and A. Hines. 1992. Density-dependent predation by blue crabs upon infaunal clam species with contrasting distribution and abundance patterns. Marine Ecology Progress Series 85: 55-68.
Eggleston, D., R. Lipcius and D. Miller. 1992. Artificial shelters and the survival of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobster: spatial, habitat and lobster size effects. Fishery Bulletin 90: 691-702.
Mansour, R. and R. Lipcius. 1991. Density-dependent foraging and mutual interference in blue crabs preying upon infaunal clams. Marine Ecology Progress Series 72: 239-246.
Olmi, E. and R. Lipcius. 1991. Predation on postlarvae of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun by sand shrimp Crangon septemspinosa Say and grass shrimp Palaemonetes pugio Holthuis. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 151: 169-183.
Lipcius, R., A. Stoner, L. Marshall, Jr. and A. Bardales. 1991. Mass migration of juvenile queen conch, Strombus gigas, in the Bahamas. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Proceedings 40: 299-302.
Lipcius, R., E. Olmi and J. van Montfrans. 1990. Planktonic availability, molt stage and settlement of blue crab postlarvae. Marine Ecology Progress Series 58: 235-242.
Lipcius, R. and W. Van Engel. 1990. Blue crab population dynamics in Chesapeake Bay: variation in abundance (York River, 1972-1988) and stock-recruit functions. Bulletin of Marine Science 46: 180-194.
Eggleston, D., R. Lipcius, D. Miller and L. Coba-Cetina. 1990. Shelter scaling regulates survival of juvenile Caribbean spiny lobster Panulirus argus. Marine Ecology Progress Series 62: 79-88.
Olmi, E., J. van Montfrans, R. Lipcius, R. Orth and P. Sadler. 1990. Variation in planktonic availability and settlement of blue crab megalopae in the York River, Virginia. Bulletin of Marine Science 46: 230-243.
Herrnkind, W. and R. Lipcius. 1989. Habitat use and population biology of Bahamian spiny lobster. Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Proceedings 39: 265-278.
Stoner, A., R. Lipcius, L. Marshall, Jr. and A. Bardales. 1988. Synchronous emergence and mass migration in juvenile queen conch. Marine Ecology Progress Series 49: 51-55.
Lipcius, R. and W. Herrnkind. 1987. Coordination and control of reproduction and molting in the spiny lobster Panulirus argus. Marine Biology 96: 207-214.
Hines, A., R. Lipcius and A. Haddon. 1987. Population dynamics and habitat partitioning by size, sex, and molt stage of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in a subestuary of central Chesapeake Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 36: 55-64.
Lipcius, R. and A. Hines. 1986. Variable functional responses of a marine predator in dissimilar homogeneous microhabitats. Ecology 67: 1361-1371.
Lipcius, R. and C. Subrahmanyam. 1986. Temporal factors influencing killifish abundance and recruitment in Gulf of Mexico salt marshes. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 22: 101-114.
Lipcius, R. 1985. Size-dependent timing of reproduction and molting in spiny lobsters and other long-lived decapods. Crustacean Issues, Vol. 3, pp. 129-148. (Ed., A. Wenner) Balkema Press, Rotterdam.
Lipcius, R. and W. Herrnkind. 1985. Photoperiodic regulation and daily timing of spiny lobster mating behavior. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 89: 191-204.
Lipcius, R., M. Edwards, W. Herrnkind and S. Waterman. 1983. In situ mating behavior of the spiny lobster Panulirus argus. Journal of Crustacean Biology 3: 217-222.
Lipcius, R. and W. Herrnkind. 1982. Molt cycle alterations in behavior, feeding and diel rhythms of a decapod crustacean, the spiny lobster Panulirus argus. Marine Biology 68: 241-252.
Lipcius, R., C. Coyne, B. Fairbanks, D. Hammond, P. Mohan, D. Nixon, J. Staskiewicz and F. Heppner. 1980. Avoidance responses of mallards to colored and black water. Journal of Wildlife Management 44: 511-518.