The Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 11am on Wednesday, January 22 on account of inclement weather.

Coastal & Ocean Processes Faculty


Colombo, Manuel
Assistant Professor
Email: [[v|mcolombo]]
Phone: (804) 684-7943
Office: Andrews Hall 237
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: Marine Biogeochemistry, Trace Metals, Organic Geochemistry, Environmental Chemistry
Lab Website: {{}}

Thumbnail image C. Friedrichs

Friedrichs, Carl T.
Glucksman Professor; Associate Director, Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia
Email: [[v|carl.friedrichs]]
Phone: (804) 684-7303
Office: Wilson House 206
Interests: Coastal and estuarine processes
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Curriculum Vitae: {{,CV}}
Google Scholar: {{,Profile}}

Marjy Friedrichs

Friedrichs, Marjorie A.M.
Email: [[marjy]]
Phone: (804) 684-7695
Interests: Using mathematical models to study effects of climate change and other human impacts on coastal & estuarine systems.
Office: Andrews Hall 330
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Lab Website: {{, BioCOM}}

Thumbnail image D. Gong

Gong, Donglai
Associate Professor
Email: [[v|gong]]
Phone: (804) 684-7529
Office: Andrews Hall 228
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Lab: Andrews Hall 220/219
Interests: Coastal and Polar Oceanography

Amber Hardison

Hardison, Amber
Associate Professor
Email: [[v|akhardison]]
Phone: (804) 684-7779
Office: CBH N311
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: Carbon and nitrogen cycling, Organic geochemistry

Courtney Harris

Harris, Courtney K.
Professor, Section Chair
Email: [[ckharris]]
Phone: (804) 684-7194
Interests: 3-D modeling to improve understanding of sediment transport in continental shelves and estuarine environments.
Office: Andrews Hall 227
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Website: {{, Sediment Transport Modeling}}

Hein Primary Photo Thumb 2022

Hein, Christopher
Associate Professor
Email: [[v|hein]]
Phone: (804) 684-7533
Office: Andrews Hall 230
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Lab Website: {{, Coastal Geology}}
Google Scholar Profile: {{, Hein Google Scholar}}
Bluesky: {{, coastalgeology}}
Curriculum Vitae: {{, Hein CV 2024}}

Kirwan, Matt
Associate Professor
Email: [[kirwan]]
Phone: (804) 684-7054
Interests: Coastal landscape evolution, geomorphology, ecology
Office: Andrews Hall 229
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes

Steven A. Kuehl

Kuehl, Steven A.
Email: [[kuehl]]
Phone: (804) 684-7118
Interests: Continental margins, river deltas, radioisotope geochronology, Anthropocene, paleoseismicity, paleoclimate
Office: Andrews Hall 232
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes

Thumbnail image P. Mazzini

Mazzini, Piero
Assistant Professor
Email: [[v|pmazzini]]
Phone: (804) 684-7882
Interests: Coastal physical oceanography
Office: Andrews Hall 236
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes

Nicole Millette

Millette, Nicole
Assistant Professor
Email: [[v|nmillette]]
Phone: (804) 684-7985
Office: Andrews Hall 329
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: Phytoplankton Ecology, Mixotrophy, Predator-Prey Interactions, Water Quality

Chris Patrick

Patrick, Chris
Associate Professor; Director, VIMS SAV Monitoring and Restoration Program
Email: [[v|cpatrick]]
Phone: (804) 684-7399
Office: Andrews Hall 308
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Lab website: {{,Coastal & Estuarine Ecology Lab (CEEL)}}

Reay, William G.
Associate Professor; Director, Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia
Email: [[wreay]]
Phone: (804) 684-7119
Office: Wilson House 103
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Program: Chesapeake Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in Virginia
Interests: Watershed hydrology; ground water/surface water interactions.

Jian Shen

Shen, Jian
Email: [[shen]]
Phone: (804) 684-7359
Office: Andrews Hall 231
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes

Dr. Deborah Steinberg

Steinberg, Deborah K.
CSX Professor
Email: [[debbies]]
Phone: (804) 684-7838
Office: Andrews Hall 328
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: Zooplankton ecology; coastal and deep sea food webs/marine "snow."
Website: {{, Zooplankton Ecology}}

Wang 100

Wang, Harry V.
Email: [[v|wang]]
Phone: (804) 684-7215
Office: Andrews Hall 239
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes
Interests: 3-D numerical modeling, hydrodynamics of estuaries; physical oceanography.