Due to inclement weather, the Batten School & VIMS will be closed on Wednesday, January 22.

Affiliated Scholar Appointments


  1. Policy

Appointment as an Affiliated Scholar member in the Virginia Institute of Marine Science/School of Marine Science faculty (VIMS/SMS) is reserved for those individuals outside of VIMS who offer special expertise that may enhance and enrich  VIMS’ research, educational, and/or advisory programs.  Nominations and appointments for VIMS/SMS Affiliated Scholar should fulfill specific needs within a department or center.  Appointments are also intended to benefit the appointee by affording access to the resources, facilities, or reputation of VIMS.

  1. Requirements for Nomination and Appointment to the Affiliated Scholar

Generally, it is expected that nominees shall be widely recognized for their intellectual achievement.  They must demonstrate a level of professional achievement and experience appropriate to the proposed appointment and must meet the professional, experiential, and scholarly preparation criteria and requirements established in accordance with the Bylaws of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science for appointment to the VIMS/SMS faculty.

  1. Nomination and Appointment Procedures

3.1.  Nomination for Affiliated Scholar are initiated by the department or center in which the appointment will be made and forwarded by the department chair or center director to the Faculty Council.  The recommendation shall be accompanied by a written statement in which the reasons for the Affiliated Scholar appointment are specified and the expected benefits accruing to both the applicant and VIMS are articulated.  The application should indicate which facilities or other resources of VIMS might be utilized by the nominee (See Section 4).

3.2.  The Faculty Council will review the nominee’s qualifications, appointment rationale, and any supporting materials and forward the nomination with its recommendations and comments to the Dean and Director.  The Faculty Council will be guided in its review by the standards and criteria applied to appointment of regular VIMS/SMS faculty.

  • 3.2.1.  When a nominee is intended to participate in the SMS educational program as either an instructor or mentor, the Faculty Council shall seek the advice of the Academic Council in developing its recommendation to the Dean and Director.

3.3.  The Dean and Director will review the recommendation of the Faculty Council and in consultation, as appropriate, with the Director for Research and Advisory Services and/or the Associate Dean of Academic Studies, will on the nomination and subsequently will inform the department and the Faculty Council of the action.

3.4.  Affiliated Scholar appointments at VIMS/SMS do not require approval of the Provost or the Board of Visitors.

3.5.  Affiliated Scholar appointments at VIMS/SMS shall be for specified terms not to exceed three years.  Renewal of an appointment shall require an application for reappointment.  The application for reappointment should be submitted to the Faculty Council by the department or center in which the appointment resides.  The application should be a written request providing evidence that a meaningful interaction between the Affiliated Scholar member and VIMS has occurred and that the expected benefit outlined in the original application has been realized and is likely to continue.

3.6.  Recommendations of the Faculty Council and decisions by the Dean and Director may not be appealed.

  1. Rights and Privileges of Affiliated Scholar at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science

4.1.  While appointment as an Affiliated Scholar, VIMS/SMS faculty may permit the use of equipment, instruments, or other facilities at the Institution, such use is at the discretion of the sponsoring department or center and does not infer a commitment by the department, center, or Institution to provide funding, facilities, or equipment.

4.2.  The Affiliated Scholar appointment entails no tenure, tenure eligibility, or voting rights.

  • 4.2.1.  Voting privileges on Special Committees may be conferred by the Faculty Council or Academic Council as appropriate.

4.3.  With prior approval as indicated below, individuals holding Affiliated Scholar appointments may participate in teaching or mentoring in those areas that are directly related to their own demonstrated expertise.

  • 4.3.1.  In teaching, an individual holding Affiliated Scholar appointment may co-teach or serve as primary instructor only in those courses for which he/she has been formally approved by the Academic Council.
  • 4.3.2.  In mentoring, an individual holding Affiliated Scholar appointment may serve as a member of a student’s advisory committee.  Service as co-major advisor must be approved by the Academic Council on a student-by-student basis.

Rev.:   October 22, 2012
            January 22, 2021

last page undate: March 12, 2024 by LCS