The Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 11am on Wednesday, January 22 on account of inclement weather.

VIMS Comprehensive Master Plan

VIMS Masterplan 2009 - 2012The vision for the VIMS Comprehensive Master Plan is based on the principles and goals embodied in the VIMS Strategic Plan 2009 – 2012. The primary points from the Plans Vision Statement are: 

  • Increased world class recognition
  •  Full Support for the Three-Part Mission of research, educating and training students, and providing advisory services
  •  Integrated Thematic Research Centers
  •  Mutually Beneficial Business Partnerships
  •  Expanded Facilities to meet Critical Needs
  •  Increased Revenue Streams
  •  Expanded Educational Opportunities

One of the key components of the VIMS Strategic Plan is the following statement regarding the need for an updated Campus Master Plan: “A VIMS Campus Master Plan, developed through a comprehensive needs assessment (including the Eastern Shore Laboratory), will guide the coordinated development of critical facilities. Facilities will reflect sustainable construction practices and environmentally sensitive design and maintenance standards. An on-site conference center, housing for visiting researchers and students, dining facilities, storage space, and a revitalized boat basin and aquaculture center will be added to support research, teaching and advisory service. The VIMS campus will have well-designed and attractive entryways and a unified image that reflects its world-class reputation.”

The VIMS Campus Master Plan has been created to bring substance and direction to the vision and goals stated in the 2009 Strategic Plan. The plan is intended to address foreseeable growth and change in a holistic manner, and is intended to serve as a prioritized “road map” for future growth, prioritizing solutions for both existing and anticipated challenges. This master plan also provides the common framework for the Virginia Institute of Marine Science to prioritize, develop and execute future capital improvement projects.

For more details: