The Batten School & VIMS will open on a delay at 11am on Wednesday, January 22 on account of inclement weather.


Abrão Teixeira, Julia
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|jabraoteixeira]]
Advisor: {{,Piero Mazzini}}


Albert, Bayleigh
M.A. Student
Email: [[v|bialbert]]
Advisors: {{, Molly Mitchell}} and {{, Nicole Millette}}
Research Interests: science communication, community outreach, digital storytelling


Alfonso, Gabriel
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|gvafonso]]
Office: Nunnally Hall 128
Advisor: {{,Eric Hilton}}
Research Interests: Morphology, Taxonomy, Phylogenetic Systematics, Functional Anatomy, Evolution


Avery, Leila
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|lavery]]
Office: Andrews Hall 411
Advisor: {{,Adriane Michaelis}}
Research Interests: Shellfish aquaculture, ecosystem services, human dimensions, conservation & restoration

Dongyoung Back

Back, Dongyoung
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|dback]]
Phone: (804) 684-7649
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall s313

Thumbnail image of MB Barksdale

Barksdale, Mary Bryan
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|mbarksdale]]
Office: 234D Andrews Hall
Advisors: {{,Dr. Chris Hein}} and {{,Dr. Matt Kirwan}}


Benjamin, Kianne
M.A. Student
Email: [[v|kbenjamin]]
Office: Nunnally Hall 109, CCRM Annex 101
Advisor: {{,Kevin Weng}} and {{,Molly Mitchell}}


Benson, Gabriel
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|gbenson]]
Office: CCRM Annex 106
Advisors: {{,Donna Bilkovic}} and {{,Karinna Nunez}}
Research Interests: Living Shorelines, Ecosystem Services, Spatial Ecology


Benson, Zoe
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|zabenson]]
Office: Andrews Hall 434A
Advisor: {{,Rochelle Seitz}} and {{,Romauld Lipcius}}
Research Interests: Invertebrate Predator-Prey Interactions, Community Behavioral Ecology, Oyster Restoration

Lilly Blume

Blume, Lilly
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|ltblume]]
Phone: (804) 684-7920
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 235
Advisors: {{, Kimberly S. Reece}} and {{, Bongkeun Song}}

Bourdon, Ricardo
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|rbbourdon]]
Advisor: {{,Donglai Gong}}


Breitenbeck, Grace
M.S. Student
Phone: 804-684-7822
Office: Andrews Hall 304
Advisor: {{,Chris Patrick}}
Interests: seagrass ecology, interspecies facilitations/interactions, coastal & estuarine systems

Kayla Cahoon

Cahoon, Kayla
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|kmcahoon]]
Cell Phone: 804-832-8308
Office: Andrews Hall 234A
Advisor: {{,Dr. Christopher Hein}}

Reid Calhoun

Calhoun, W. Reid
M.S. Student
Email: [[v| wrcalhoun]]
Phone: (804) 684-7840
Office: Andrews Hall 421
Advisor: {{, Andrew Scheld}}

Jaime Calzada

Calzada, Jaime
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|jrcalzada]]
Phone: (804) 684-7140
Office: Davis Hall 207D
Unit: Center for Coastal Resources Management
Advisor: {{,Dr. Joseph Zhang}}

Castro, Isabelle
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|iccastro]]
Advisor: {{,Juliette L. Smith}}


Chakkalaparambil Rajendran, Athira
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|acchakkalaparambil]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 329
Advisor: {{,Manuel Colombo}}
Research Interests: Marine organic chemistry, Carbon cycle, Carbon sequestration, Ocean biogeochemistry

primary photo

Chen, Xuqing
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|xchen]]
Phone: (484) 560-3443
Office: Andrews 418

Latoya Cherry

Cherry, Latoya
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|lncherry]]
Phone: (804) 684-7539
Office: Andrews Hall 215

Kaite Cisz

Cisz, Kaite
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|krcisz]]
Phone: (804) 684-7522
Office: Nunnally Hall 126 / Chesapeake Bay Hall N213
Advisors: {{,Dr. Jan McDowell}} and {{,Dr. Eric Hilton}}
Interests: Marine fish ecology, elasmobranchs, comparative anatomy, morphology, population genetics


Clerkin, Paul
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|pjclerkin]]
Phone Number: (804) 684-7612
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall N213

Dada, Oluwakemi
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|obdada]]
Phone: 757-778-2485
Office: Andrews Hall 421
Advisor: {{,Andrew Scheld}}

Thumbnail image I. Danforth

Danforth, Isabelle
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|iadanforth]]
Advisor: {{,Andrew Wargo}}

Davis, Liz
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|ehdavis]]
Phone: (804) 684-7184
Office: Andrews Hall 224
Advisor: {{,Dr. Christopher Hein}}
Interests: Coastal geology & geomorphology, coastal dunes, sea-level rise, storm surge, coastal management and policy

Caroline DeVries

DeVries, Caroline
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|cgdevries]]
Advisor: {{, Robert J. Latour}}

Thumbnail image R. Dixon

Dixon, Rachel
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|rldixon]]
Phone: (804) 684-7833
Office: Nunnally Hall 115
Advisor: {{, Dr. Mary Fabrizio}}

Dolan, Taylor
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|tcdolan]]
Phone: 804-684-7869
Office: Andrews Hall 410
Advisor: {{,Jessica Moss Small}}
Website: {{,Aquaculture Genetics & Breeding Technology Center}}

Zhiyun Du

Du, Zhiyun
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|zdu]]
Phone: 757-968-8533
Office: Andrews Hall 215
Advisor: {{,Courtney Harris}}
Interests: Sediment transport; Numerical modeling; ROMS


Dudrick, Robyn
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|rdudrick]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 329
Advisor: {{, Meredith Seeley}}
Research Interests: Microplastics, tire wear particles, SAV


Echevarria, Emily
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|eeechevarria]]
Office: Nunnally Hall 111
Advisor: {{, Rob Latour}}
Research Interests: Shark ecology and conservation

Mickie Edwards

Edwards, Mickie
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|mredwards]]
Phone: (804) 684-7822
Office: Andrew's Hall 304
Advisor: {{, Chris Patrick}}


Fergel, Jessica
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|jrfergel]]
Office: CCRM Annex 103
Advisors: {{, Donna Bilkovic}} and {{,Robert Isdell}}
Research Interests: living shorelines, fish productivity and enhancement, ecosystem services


Ferre, Jordan
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|jmferre]]
Office: Andrews Hall 434B
Advisor: {{,Rochelle Seitz}}
Research Interests: Invertebrate ecology, soft-shell clam ecology in the Chesapeake, conservation and restoration ecology

Evan Flynn

Flynn, Evan
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|erflynn]]
Phone: (804) 684-7274
Office: Andrews Hall 132
Advisor: {{,Steve Kuehl}}
Research Interests: Seabed Processes, Sediment Geochronology, Organic Carbon Processing and Accumulation, Continental Shelf Environments

Josh Garber

Garber, Josh
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|jagarber]]
Phone: (804) 684-7987
Office: Andrews 419
Advisor: Dr. Juliette Smith

Ellie Gellerson

Gellerson, Ellie
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|efgellerson]]
Phone: (804) 684-7424
Office: CBH 313N
Advisor: {{, Amber Hardison}}
Research Interests: Coastal biogeochemistry, phytoplankton ecology, polar oceanography


Geragotelis, Alexander
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|adgeragotelis]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 334
Advisor: {{,Stacy Krueger-Hadfield}}
Research Interests: Algae, population genetics, ecology

Gilsinan, Caela
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|cbgilsinan]]
Phone: 804-684-7890
Office: Andrews Hall 421
Advisor: {{,Andrew Scheld}}
Interests: Human dimensions within marine science, commercial fisheries and aquaculture topics, ecosystem services

Girasek, Quinn
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|qlgirasek]]
Phone: (804) 684-7827
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 229/230
Advisor: {{,Jan McDowell}}


Gonzalez, Kelly
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|kairvin]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 334
Advisor: {{,Angelina Dichiera}}
Research Interests: Fish physiology, fisheries, conservation, and aquaculture

Gravgaard, Ally
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|aggravgaard]]
Office: Nunnally Hall 132
Advisor: {{,Robert J. Latour}}


Green, Abby
M.A. Student
Email: [[v|amhelzer]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 135
Advisor: {{,Jan McDowell}}
Research Interests: Sharks, public outreach, conservation, education


Green, Liam
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|wdgreen]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 329
Advisor: {{,Meredith Seeley}}
Research Interests: Movement and degradation of micro- and nanoplastics across environmental compartments

Julia Grenn

Grenn, Julianne
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v| jmgrenn]]
Phone: (804) 684-7313
Office: Andrews Hall 434D
Advisor: {{, Dr. Bill Walton}}


Griffin, Madison
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|mdgriffin]]
Office: Andrews Hall 422
Advisor: {{,Grace Chiu}}
Interests: statistics, policy, management, causal modeling
Website: {{,Environmental Statistics and Transdisciplinary Data Science (ESTDatS) Lab}}

Chris Groff

Groff, Chris
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|cmgroff]]
Office: Andrews Hall 335B


Grogan, Maisie
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|mgrogan]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 134
Advisor: {{,Nicole Millette}}

Julie gross photo main

Gross, Julie
Ph.D. Student
Advisor: {{, Dr. John Hoenig}}
Email: [[v|jmgross]]
Phone: (804) 684-7462
Office: Fisheries Science Laboratory - 109

Nihal Guennouni

Guennouni, Nihal
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|nguennouni]]
Phone: (804) 684-7969
Office: Andrews Hall 420
Advisor: {{,Rom Lipcius}}
Research Interests: Blue Crab Population Dynamics, Functional Response, Predator-Prey Interactions, Scientific Communication, Living Shorelines, Oyster Restoration

Hall, Alyson
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|achall]]
Phone: (804) 684-7367
Website: {{}}
Office: Andrews Hall 304


Hancock, Grace
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|gmhancock]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 334
Advisor: {{,Angelina Dichiera}}
Research Interests: Impacts of environmental stressors on the physiology of Chesapeake Bay fishes


Hatch, Jack
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|jahatch]]
Office: Nunnally Hall 132
Advisors: {{,Molly Mitchell}} and {{, Rob Latour}}
Research Interests: Aquaculture, Fisheries Science

Colin Hawes

Hawes, Colin
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|cahawes]]
Phone: (804) 684-7463
Office: Andrews 325
Advisor: {{,Dr. Marjy Friedrichs}}

Hernandez, Olivia
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|ohernandez]]
Phone:  804-684-7966
Office: Andrews Hall 419
Advisors: {{,Juliette L. Smith}} and {{, Robert J. Latour}}

Hill, Evan
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|ewhill]]
Advisor: {{,Y. Joseph Zhang}}


Hoang, Elena
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|ethoang]]
Office: Andrews Hall 420
Advisor: {{,Rochelle Seitz}}
Research Interests: predator prey dynamics, oyster reefs, benthic community

Ima Hosseinzadeh

Hosseinzadeh, Ima
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|ihosseinzadeh]]
Phone: (804) 684-7124
Office: CBH N113
Advisors: {{,Dr. Nicole Millette}} and {{,Dr. Bill Walton}}


Jackson, Derek
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|dnjackson]]
Office: Davis Hall 236
Advisor: {{,David Rudders}}
Research Interests: Conservation engineering, fisheries technology


Klesch, Natalie
M.A. Student
Email: [[v|nmklesch]]
Advisors: {{,Kirk Havens}}, {{,Donna Bilkovic}}, {{,Molly Mitchell}}
Research Interests: Environmental Policy, Natural Resource Management

Sarah Koshak

Koshak, Sarah
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|jskoshak]]
Office Phone: (804) 684-7845
Office: Andrews 418
Interests: Lobster health, disease pathogenesis, microbiomes, aquatic health, disease ecology

Thumbnail image K. Clark-Kowaleski

Kowaleski, Kaitlyn R.
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|krclark]]
Phone: (804) 684-7172
Office: Davis Hall 230
Advisors: {{,Dr. David Rudders}} and {{,Dr. Roger Mann}}
Research Interests: Fisheries ecology, reproductive biology, management of marine molluscs

Alexa Labossiere

Labossiere, Alexa
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|alabossiere]]
Phone: (804) 684-7396
Office: Andrews Hall 325
Advisors: {{,Marjy Friedrichs}} and {{,Pierre St-Laurent}}
Research Interests: Coastal biogeochemical numerical modeling, Estuarine Carbonate Chemistry, Tropical cyclone impact on carbon cycling

Thumbnail image M. Laganke

LaGanke, Matt
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|mjlaganke]]
Phone: (804) 684-7807
Office: Andrews Hall 434C
Advisor: {{,Bill Walton}}
Research Interests: Commercial shellfish aquaculture production, farm and inventory management, technology implementation and adoption, sustainable food production systems


Letourneau, Stephanie
M.A. Student
Email: [[v|smletourneau]]
Phone: 804-684-7616
Office: Wilson House 106
Advisor: {{,Molly Mitchell}} & {{, Carl Friedrichs}}

Mann, Novia
M.S. Student
Advisors: BK Song, Amber Hardison


Mapes, Savannah
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|samapes]]
Office: CBH S109
Advisor: {{,Dr. Kim Reece}}

Marquardt, Alex
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|armarquardt]]
Phone: (804) 684-7507
Office: Andrews Hall 317


Masters, Shyane
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|smasters]]
Office: Nunnally Hall 111
Advisor: {{,Angelina Dichiera}} and {{,Rob Latour}}
Research Interests: fish physiology, fisheries


McCormick, W. Matt
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|wmccormick]]
Office: Andrews Hall 224
Advisor: {{,Chris Hein}}
Research Interests: Coastal geomorphology, barrier island migration, sediment transport processes


McDermott, Aubrey
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|aemcdermott]]
Office: Andrews Hall 335C
Advisor: {{,Emily Rivest}}
Research Interests: Marine Invertebrate Physiological Ecology


McKenna, Kelsey
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|kgmckenna]]
Office: Andrews Hall 411
Advisor: {{,Adriane Michaelis}}
Research Interests: Aquaculture, fisheries, social science, ecology

Tyler Messerschmidt

Messerschmidt, Tyler
M.S. Student
Email: [[tcmesserschmidt]]
Phone: (804) 684-7131
Office: Andrews Hall 217A
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes

Rebecca Taylor

Mestav, Rebecca
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|rtaylor]]
Phone: (804) 684-7370
Office: Nunnally Hall 132
Advisor: {{, Robert J. Latour}}


Molino, Grace
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|gdmolino]]
Phone: (804) 684-7716
Office: Andrews Hall 234E
Advisor: {{,Matthew Kirwan}}
Research Interests: Salt marshes, sea-level rise, geomorphology, coastal management, marine policy

Miguel Montalvo

Montalvo, Miguel
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|mmontalvo]]
Phone: 804-684-7544
Office: Fisheries Science Laboratory 110
Advisor: {{, Dr. Eric Hilton}}


Mowatt-Larssen, Tor
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|tmowattlarssen]]
Phone: (804) 684-7324
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 133
Advisor: {{,Deborah Steinberg}}
Research Interests: Deep-sea ecology, ichthyoplankton, carbon cycling


Munoz, Andie
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|ammunoz]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall N213
Phone: (804)684-7883
Advisors: {{, Dr. Jan McDowell}} and {{, Dr. David Rudders}}
Section: Natural Resources
Unit: Fisheries Genetics Laboratory & Marine Advisory Program

Nolan, Meredith
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|mnolan]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 133
Advisor: {{,Deborah K. Steinberg}}
Research Interests: Zooplankton ecology and physiology, polar oceanography


Parrish, David
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|parrishd]]
Phone: (804) 684-7835
Office: CBNERR-WQ 101
Section: Coastal & Ocean Processes


Peart, Stephanie G.
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[sgpeart]]
Phone: (804) 684-7432
Office: Andrews Hall 325
Advisor: {{,Dr. Mark Brush}}


Philipp, Katherine H.
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|khphilipp]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 234
Advisor: {{,Bongkeun Song}}


Pitsenbarger, Madeline
M.A. Student
Email: [[v|mkburgess]]
Phone: 757-556-4848
Office: Andrews Hall 101
Section: Natural Resources
Advisor: {{,Molly Mitchell}}
Research Interests: shellfish aquaculture: applied research, communication, advisory services

Thumbnail image J. Pujols

Pujols, Javi
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|japujols]]
Phone: (804) 684-7965
Advisor: {{,Emily Rivest}}

Rarick, Christina
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|cararick]]
Phone: (804) 684-7193
Office: Andrews Hall 320
Advisor: {{,Mark Brush}}


Recco, Danielle
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|dnrecco]]
Office: CCRM Annex 105
Advisors: {{,Donna Bilkovic}} and {{,Andrew Scheld}}
Research Interests: Conservation policy, food web dynamics, geospatial ecology, derelict fishing gear

Zabdiel Roldan Ayala

Roldan Ayala, Zabdiel
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|zaroldanayala]]
Phone: (804) 684-7923
Office: Chesapeake Bal Hall N113

Rose, Ashley
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|alrose]]
Office: CCRM Annex 102
Advisors: {{,Robert Isdell}} and {{,Donna Marie Bilkovic}}
Research Interests: Restoration ecology, living shorelines, bivalve aquaculture, marine ecology

Daniel Royster

Royster, Daniel
M.A. Student
Email: [[v|droyster]]
Phone: (804) 684-7587
Office: Nunnally 138
Section: Natural Resources

Amanda Salmoiraghi

Salmoiraghi, Amanda
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|acsalmoiraghi]]
Phone: (804) 684-7434
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall N213
Advisors: {{, Jan McDowell}} and {{, Robert J. Latour}}


Salway, Ria
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|rsalway]]
Office: Andrews Hall 335C
Advisor: {{,Emily Rivest}}
Research Interests: invertebrate physiology, marine ecology, ocean acidification

Natalia Schoenberg

Schoenberg, Natalia
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|njschoenberg]]
Phone: (804) 684-7969
Office: Andrews Hall 420
Advisor: {{, Dr. Rochelle Seitz}}


Sears, Madison
M.A. Student
Email: [[v|mrsears]]
Office: Andrews Hall 434B
Advisor: {{,Molly Mitchell}} and {{,Adriane Michaelis}}
Research Interests: Social Sciences, Aquaculture, Fisheries

Jade Sevelow-Lee

Sevelow-Lee, Jade
M.A. Student
Email: [[v|jade]]
Phone: (804) 684-7784
Unit: Dean & Director's Office
Research Interests: Shellfish aquaculture and the habitat ecosystem services it provides. Shellfish aquaculture outreach and education.


Shrives, Rachel
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|rrshrives]]
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 334
Advisors: {{,Amber Hardison}}


Shunk, Nathan
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|npshunk]]
Phone: (804) 684-7267
Office: Andrews 234F
Advisor: {{,Dr. Piero Fernandes Mazzini}}

Abbey Sisti

Sisti, Abbey
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|arsisti]]
Office: Andrews 334A
Advisor: {{, Dr. Emily Rivest}}


Smith, Shannon
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|scsmith]]
Phone: (804) 684-7296
Office: Nunnally Hall 113
Advisor: Mary Fabrizio

Thumbnail image O. Szot

Szot, Olivia
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|onszot]]
Phone: (804) 684-7660
Office: Andrews Hall 210
Advisor: {{,Dr. Marjy Friedrichs}}

Thomas, Maya
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|mithomas]]
Phone: (804) 684-7401
Office: Chesapeake Bay Hall 129
Advisor: {{,Deborah Steinberg}}
Research Interests: Antarctic zooplankton, zooplankton ecology, biogeochemistry, food web interactions

Utzig Nardi, Ricardo
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|rutzignardi]]
Advisor: {{,Piero Mazzini}}

Mara Walters

Walters, Mara
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|mfwalters]]
Phone: (804) 684-7281
Advisors: {{, Bongkeun Song}} and {{, Robert Hale}}

Emma Wilkinson

Wilkinson, Emma
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|egwilkinson]]
Phone: (804) 684-7676
Office: Andrews Hall 320
Advisor: {{, Mark Brush}}
Interests: Estuarine health, numerical modeling, water quality


Wilson, Camille
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|cewilson]]
Office: Andrews Hall 304
Advisor: {{,Chris Patrick}}
Research Interests: Seagrass ecology, restoration and monitoring, community ecology

Woodson, AJ
M.A. Student
Email: [[v|awoodson]]
Office: Andrews Hall 422
Advisor: {{,Molly Mitchell}}


Youtsey, Leslie Speight
Ph.D. Student
Email: [[v|lgspeight]]
Phone: (804) 684-7605
Office: CBH N205
Advisors: {{,Jan McDowell}} and {{,Kim Reece}}
Interests: Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics, Transcriptomics, Aquaculture, Shellfish, Clams, Bay Scallops


Zhai, Danyang
M.S. Student
Email: [[v|dzhai]]
Office: Andrews Hall 216
Advisor: {{,Jian Shen}}
Research Interests: machine learning, modeling