A Deeper Dive

Join us for a behind-the-scenes look at VIMS and discover how we translate our research into practical solutions for our waters, communities, and economy.

Featured Episode: Studying Sharks

VIMS' study of mid-Atlantic sharks stands as one of the longest-running fishery-independent studies of shark populations in the world. Take a deeper dive to find out how our research is helping shark populations recover in U.S. waters, and continues to inform stock assessments and fishery management.

Additional Information

  • Read more about the Virginia Shark Monitoring and Assessment Program at VIMS.
  • Discover the shark species that inhabit the waters of the mid-Atlantic and Chesapeake Bay.

Episodes and Web Extras

Episode 1: Saving the Shoreline

Web Extra: About Sea Level Rise

Web Extra: The Impact of Inches

Web Extra: Nuisance Flooding

Episode 2: Responding to Plastics Pollution

Web Extra: Chemical Framework of Plastics

Episode 3: Deploying Bots in the Bay

Episode 4: Forecasting Tidal Flooding

Episode 5: Modeling Storm Surge

Episode 6: Surveying the Sea Floor

Episode 7: Shaping Leaders

Web Extra: Shark Sonata