Coastal Hydrodynamics & Sediment Dynamics

The Coastal Hydrodynamics & Sediment Dynamics Program (CHSD) at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science aims to apply our understanding of coastal and estuarine physics and material transport to problems important to interdisciplinary issues spanning geology, biogeochemistry, ecology, and coastal management.

Ongoing topics of interest include

  • structure of the upper seabed, including controls on bed erodibility,
  • suspended particle properties and controls on particle settling velocity,
  • estuarine water clarity and water quality,
  • acoustic properties of suspended sediment and the upper seabed,
  • morphologic controls on estuarine physical oceanography,
  • hydrodynamics and sediment dynamics of tidal estuaries, flats, and marshes,
  • improving hydrodynamic, sediment transport, and water quality models.

Our technical approach involves fieldwork, laboratory analysis, analytical and numerical modeling, and the utilization of coastal observation and prediction systems.

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Lab director:  Grace Massey

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Tel: 804-684-7206  |  Fax: 804-684-7250

Deliveries (U.S. Mail and Courier):
Virginia Institute of Marine Science
1370 Greate Road
Gloucester Point, VA, 23062-1346, USA

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