Bluntnose Stingray - Dasyatis say
*Information from FAO Species Identification Guide Western Central Atlantic*

Maximum size 100 cm disc width;neonates 15 to 16 cm at birth
Habitat, biology, and fisheries
Food consists of polychaetes, bivalves, gastropods, and ray-finned fishes. Litters range from 2 to 4 young. Dorsal surface greyish brown, olivaceous brown to reddish, occasionally with bluish spots; ventral surface whitish. Both upper and lower fin-folds well developed, even in late term embryos.
Benthic along the shoreline to 9m; also occurs in estuaries. Recorded from New Jersey to Florida Keys, northern and western Gulf of Mexico, Greater and Lesser Antilles, and eastern Venezuela to northern Argentina. It has not been recorded from the southern Gulf of Mexico or the Caribbean coasts of Mexico and Central America. Records of Dasyatis pastinaca from Uruguay and Argentina probably refer to this species or Dasyatis americana.