Mark J. LaGuardia
Marine Scientist Senior
(804) 684-7728
Chesapeake Bay Hall 224
Ecosystem Health
- B.S., Old Dominion University
- M.S., College of William and Mary
- Ph.D., University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom
Research Interests
Sources, effects, fate and analysis of contaminants of emerging concerns (CECs) including: brominated flame-retardants (e.g. PBDEs), personal care products (e.g. nonylphenols (NPs) and triclosan) and pharmaceuticals (e.g. synthetic and natural estrogens) associated with the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries.
Current Projects
PCBs, PAHs and chlorinated pesticides in biota and sediments of Virginia's tributaries, in collaboration with the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality
Identification, persistence and mobility of anthropogenic contaminants associated with wastewater treatment effluent receiving streams and sludge (biosolids) used in agriculture
Environmental degradation products of anthropogenic contaminants (e.g. PBDEs and NPs)
Developing analytical methodologies for the detection of CECs in diverse matrixes by gas and liquid chromatography mass spectroscopy
Selected Publications
- La Guardia, M. J.; N. L. Richards: R. C. Hale, R. C. 2020. A noninvasive environmental monitoring tool for brominated flame-retardants (BFRs) assisted by conservation detection dogs. Chemosphere 250, 127401
- Percy, Z.; A. M. Vuong; M. Ospina; A. M. Calafat; M. J. La Guardia; X. Xu; R.C. Hale; K. N. Dietrich; C. Xie; B. P. Lanphear; J. M. Braun; K. M. Cecil; K. Yolton; A. Chen 2020. Organophosphate esters in a cohort of pregnant women: variability and predictors of exposure Environ. Res. 184, 109255
- Estill, C. F.; J. Slone; A. Mayer; I. C. Chen; M. J. La Guardia 2020. Worker exposure to flame retardants in manufacturing, construction and service industries. Environ. Intern. 135, 105349
- Hale, R. C.; M. E. Seeley; M. J. La Guardia; L. Mai; E. Y. Zeng 2020. A global perspective on microplastics. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans 125 (1), e2018JC014719
- Percy, Z.; M. J. La Guardia; Y. Xu; R. Hale; B. Lanphear; K. Yolton; A. Vuong; J. Braun; A. Chen 2020. Organophosphate and novel brominated flame retardants exposure in childbearing women via house dust. Environ. Epidem. 3, 308-309
- Percy, Z.; M. J. La Guardia; Y. Xu; R. C. Hale; K. N. Dietrich; B. P. Lanphear; K. Yolton; A. M. Vuong; K. M. Cecil; J. M. Braun; C. Xie; A. Chen 2019. Concentrations and loadings of organophosphate and replacement brominated flame retardants in house dust from the home study during the PBDE phase-out. Chemosphere 239: 124701.
- Estill, C. F.; J. Slone; A. C. Mayer; K. Phillips; J. Lu; I-C. Chen; A. Christianson; R. Streicher; M. J. La Guardia; N. Jayatilaka; M. Ospina; A. M. Calafat 2019. Assessment of spray polyurethane foam worker exposure to organophosphate flame retardants through measures in air, hand wipes and urine. J. Occup. Environ. Hyg. 16(7), 477 – 488.
- Beaucham, C. C.; D. Ceballos; C. Mueller; E. Page; M. J. La Guardia 2019. Field evaluation of sequential hand wipes for flame retardant exposure in an electronics recycling facility. Chemosphere 219, 472 – 481.
- Li, H.; M. J. La Guardia; H. Liu; R. C. Hale; T. M. Mainor; E. Harvey; G. Sheng; J. Fu; P. Peng 2019. Brominated and organophosphate flame retardants along a sediment transect encompassing the Guiyu, China e-waste recycling zone. Sci. Total Environ. 646: 58 – 67.
- Luellen, D. R.; M. J. La Guardia; T. D. Tuckey; M. C. Fabrizio; G. W. Rice; R. C. Hale 2018. Assessment of legacy and emerging contaminants in an introduced catfish and implications for the fishery. Environ. Sci. Pollut. R. 25: 28355 – 28366
- Mayer, A. C.; K. W. Kent; S. Bertke; G. P. Horn; D. L. Smith; S. Kerber; M. J. La Guardia 2018. Firefighter hood contamination: Efficiency of laundering to remove PAHs and FRs. J. Occup. Environ. Hyg. 16(2), 129 – 140.
- Nacci, D.; B. Clark; M. J La Guardia; K. Miller; D. Champlin; I. Kirby; A. Bertand; S. Jayaraman 2018. Bioacccumulation and effects of dietary exposure to the alternative flame retardant, bis(2-ethylhexyl) tetrabromophthalate (TBPH), in the Atlantic killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 37 (9): 2350 – 2360.
- Ceballos, D. M.; Broadwater, K.; E. Page; G. Croteau; M. J. La Guardia 2018. Occupational exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and other flame retardant foam additives at gymnastics studios: Before, during and after replacement of pit foam with PBDE-free foams. Environ. Int. 116: 1 – 9.
- La Guardia, M. J.; E. D. Schreder; N. Uding; R. C. Hale 2017. Human indoor exposure to airborne halogenated flame retardants: Influence of airborne particle size. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 14(5), 507; doi:10.3390/ijerph14050507
Allgood, J. M.; T. Jimah; C. M. McClaskey; M. J. La Guardia; S. C. Hammel; M. M. Zeineddine; I. W. Tang; M. G. Runnerstron; O. A. Ogunseitan 2017. Potential human exposure to halogenated flame-retardants in elevated surface dust and floor dust in an academic environment. Environ. Res. 153: 55 – 62.
Schreder, E. D.; N. Uding; M. J. La Guardia 2016. Inhalation a significant exposure route for chlorinated organophosphate flame retardants. Chemosphere 150: 499 – 504.
- Chen, D.; R. C. Hale; M. J. La Guardia; D. Luellen; S. Kim; H. N. Geisz 2015 Hexabromocyclododecane flame retardant in Antarctica; Research stations as sources. Environ. Poll. 206: 611 – 618.
- La Guardia M. J. and R. C. Hale 2015. Halogenated flame-retardant concentrations in settled dust, respirable and inhalable particulates and polyurethane foam at gymnastic training facilities and residences. Environ. Int. 79: 106 – 114.
- Schreder, E. D. and M. J. La Guardia 2014. Flame retardant transfers from U.S. households (Dust and Laundry Wastewater) to the aquatic environment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48 (19): 11575 – 11583.
Gaylor, M.; G. Mears; E. Harvey; M. J. La Guardia; R. C. Hale 2014. Polybrominated diphenyl ether accumulation in an agricultural soil ecosystem receiving wastewater sludge amendments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48(12):7034–7043
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; B. Newman 2013. Brominated flame-retardants in sub-Saharan Africa: burdens in inland and coastal sediments of the eThekwini metropolitan municipality, South Africa. Environ. Sci. Technol. (article in press, 07/31/13).
- Dodder, N. G.; K. A. Maruya; P. L. Ferguson; R. Grace; S. Klosterhaus; M. J. La Guardia; G. G. Lauenstein; J. Ramirez 2013. Occurrence of contaminants of emerging concern in mussels (Mytilus spp.) along the California coast and the influence of land use, storm water discharge, and treated wastewater effluent. Marine Poll. Bull (article in press, 07/31/13).
- Klosterhaus, S. L.; H. M. Stapleton; M. J. La Guardia; D. J. Greig 2012. Brominated and chlorinated flame retardants in San Francisco Bay sediments and wildlife. Environ. Int. 47, 56 – 65.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. Harvey; T. M. Mainor; S. Ciparis 2012. In-situ accumulation of HBCD, PBDEs and several alternative flame-retardants in the bivalve (Corbicula fluminea) and gastropod (Elimia proxima). Environ. Sci. Technol., 46 (11), 5798 – 5805.
- Hale, R.C.; M. J. La Guardia; E. Harvey; D. Chen; T. M. Mainor; D. Luellen; L. S. Hundal 2012. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in U.S. sewage sludges and biosolids: Temporal and geographical trends and uptake by corn following land application. Environ. Sci. Technol. 46 (4): 2055-2063.
- Hale, R. C. and M. J. La Guardia 2012. Have Risks Associated with the Presence of Synthetic Organic Contaminants in Land-Applied Sewage Sludges Been Adequately Assessed? Chapter 10, From Critical Science to Solutions – The Best of Scientific Solutions. Baywood Publishing Company Inc. pp. 115 – 130.
- Chen, D.; M. J. La Guardia; D. R. Luellen; E. Harvey; T. M. Mainor; R. C. Hale 2011. Do Temporal and geographical patterns of HBCD and PBDE flame retardants in U.S. fish reflect evolving industrial usage? Environ. Sci. Technol. 45 (19): 8254-8261.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. Harvey; D. Chen 2011. Comment on “Identification of monochloro-nonabromodiphenyl ethers in the air and soil from South China”. Environ. Sci. Technol. 45 (15): 6707.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. Harvey; D. Chen 2010. Flame-retardants and other organohalogens detected in complex matrixes (biosolids) by electron capture negative ion mass spectrometry. Environ. Sci. Technol. 44 (12): 4658 - 4664.
- La Guardia, M. J.: R. C. Hale; E. Harvey; E. O. Bush; S. Ciparis 2010. Emerging Concern: Nonylphenol compounds could be problematic for land-application programs. Industrial Wastewater 9 (3): 7-13.
- Chen, D.; R. C. Hale; B. D. Watts; M. J. La Guardia; E. Harvey; E. K. Mojica 2010. Species-specific accumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ether flame-retardants in birds of prey from the Chesapeake Bay region, USA. Environ. Poll. 158: 1883-1889.
- Potter K. E.; B. D. Watts; M. J. La Guardia; E. P. Harvey; R. C. Hale 2009. Polybrominated diphenyl ether flame-retardants in Chesapeake Bay region, USA, Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) eggs: urban/rural trends. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 28 (5): 973-981.
- Chen D.; M. J. La Guardia; E. Harvey; M.Amaral; K. Wohlfort; R. C. Hale 2008. Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) eggs from the Northeastern U.S. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42 (20): 7594-7600.
- La Guardia M. J. 2008. Use of electron captures negative ion mass spectra to establish the identities of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame-retardant and their degradation products. Spectroscopy (Special issue, May 2008), pp.10-17
- Hale, R. C.; S. L. Kim; E. Harvey; M. J. La Guardia; T. M. Mainor; E. O. Bush; E. M. Jacobs 2008. Antarctic research bases: Local sources of polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) flame retardants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42: 1452-1457.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. Harvey 2007. Evidence of Environmental Debromination of Decabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-209) in a Wastewater Receiving Stream. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41: 6663 - 6670.
- Wu, N.; T. Herrmann: O. Paepke; J. Tickner; R. C. Hale; E. Harvey; M. J. La Guardia; M. McClean and T. Webster 2007. Human exposure to PBDEs: Associations of PBDE body burdens with food consumption and house dust concentrations. Environ. Sci. Technol. 41: 1584 – 1589.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. Harvey 2006. Detailed polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congener composition of the widely used penta-, octa- and deca-PBDE technical flame-retardant mixture. Environ. Sci. Technol. 40: 6247 – 6254.
- Hale, R. C.; M. J. La Guardia; E. Harvey; M. O. Gaylor; T. M. Mainor 2006. Brominated flame retardant concentrations and treads in abiotic media. Chemosphere 64: 181 – 186.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. P. Harvey; E. O. Bush; T. M. Mainor; M. O. Gaylor 2004. Organic contaminants of emerging concern in land-applied sewage sludge (biosolids). J. Residuals Sci. Technol. 1(2): 111 – 122.
- Hale, R. C.; M. J. La Guardia; E. Harvey; T. M. Mainor 2002. Potential role of fire retardant-treated polyurethane foam as a source of brominated diphenyl ethers to the US environment. Chemosphere 46: 729 – 735.
- Hale, R. C. and M. J. La Guardia 2002. Emerging contaminants of concern in costal and estuarine environments. Chapter 3, Risk Assessment in Costal and Estuarine Environments. ed. M. C. Newman, M. H. Roberts Jr. and R. C. Hale. CRC Press Inc. pp. 41 – 72.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. P. Harvey; T. M. Mainor 2001. Alkylphenol ethoxylate degradation products in land-applied sewage sludge (biosolids). Environ. Sci. Technol. 35(24): 4798 – 4804.
- Hale, R. C.; M. J. La Guardia; E. P. Harvey; T. M. Mainor; W. H. Duff; M. O. Gaylor 2001. Brominated diphenyl ether fire retardant burdens in Virginia freshwater fish (USA). Environ. Sci. Technol. 35(23): 4585 – 4591.
- Hale, R. C.; M. J. La Guardia 2001. Directions in science: Synthetic organic pollutants in land-applied sewage sludges. The Scientific World 1, 10 –13.
- Hale, R. C.; M. J. La Guardia; E. P. Harvey; M. O. Gaylor, T. M. Mainor; W. H. Duff 2001. Persistent pollutants in land-applied sludges. Nature. 412: 140 – 141.
- Hale, R. C.; C. L. Smith; P. O. de Fur; E. Harvey; E. O. Bush; M. J. La Guardia; G. G. Vadas 2000. Nonylphenols in sediments and effluents associated with diverse Virginia (USA) wastewater outfalls. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 19: 946 – 952.
Presentations (past five years)
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. L. Ngaio; R. C. Hale 2020. The use of conservation dog-handler teams to collect noninvasive biological specimens (fecal matter) for environmental monitoring: Flame retardant burdens in mink and otter. SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting (SETAC SciCon), Dublin, Ireland.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. L. Ngaio; R. C. Hale 2019. Scat detection dogs: A noninvasive/nondestructive approach for the environmental assessment of BFRs. The 9th International Symposium on Flame Retardants (BFR2019), Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal, Ontario, Canada.
- La Guardia, M. J.; E. D. Schreder; R. C. Hale 2016. Human exposure analysis of airborne halogenated flame-retardants. Abst. SETAC 37th Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL.
La Guardia, M. J.; E. D. Schreder; R. C. Hale 2016. Respirable and inhalable exposure of halogenated flame-retardants within dissimilar indoor environments. Abst. CPRC-SETAC Annual Meeting, Charlottesville, VA.
La Guardia, M. J. and R. C. Hale 2015. In-situ accumulation of flame-retardants in muscle tissues of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) and snail bullhead catfish (Ameiurus brunneus). Abst. SETAC 36th Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT.
- La Guardia, M. J. and R. C. Hale 2013. In-situ and sex-dependent accumulation of PBDEs, HBCD and several alternative flame-retardants in smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu). Abst. SETAC 34th Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; B. Newman 2013. Brominated flame-retardants in sub-Saharan Africa: burdens in inland and coastal sediments of the eThekwini metropolitan municipality, South Africa. Abst. CPRC-SETAC Annual Meeting, Grasonville, MD.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; B. Newman 2012. Brominated flame-retardants in South Africa: burdens in inland and coastal sediments of KwaZulu-Natal Province. Abst. SETAC 33nd Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. P. Harvey 2011. In-situ aquatic flame-retardant exposure and trophic transfer. Abst. SETAC 32nd Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale 2010. Bioaccumulation of PBDEs, their replacement products (TBB, TBPH, BTBPE) and HBCD in freshwater mollusks from the Yadkin River (North Carolina, USA) Abst. CSETAC Annual Meeting, Boone, NC.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. P. Harvey; T. M. Mainor 2010. Bioaccumulation of PBDEs and their replacement products (TBB, TBPH, BTBPE) in freshwater mollusks. Abst. SETAC 31nd Annual Meeting, Portland, OR.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. Harvey; T. M. Mainor; S. Ciparis 2009. PBDEs and their replacement products (TBB, TBPH and BTBPE) detected in textile effluent and associated river sediments Abst. SETAC 30th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. Harvey; E. O. Bush; S. Ciparis 2009. Persistence and migration of alkylphenol ethoxylate degradation products associated with land-applied biosolids. WEF, Microconstituents and Industrial Water Quality 2009, Baltimore, MD.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. Harvey; T. M. Mainor; D. Chen 2008. Concentrations, trends and concerns of brominated flame-retardants in land-applied sewage sludge (biosolids) Abst. SETAC 29th Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. P. Harvey; T. M. Mainor 2007. Evidence of Metabolic Debromination of Decabromodiphenyl Ether (BDE-209) Occurring in the Aquatic Environment. Abst. SETAC 28nd Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. P. Harvey; T. M. Mainor; P. D. Gerdes 2007. Brominated Flame Retardants (BFRs) - Residual Trends in Sewage Sludge. Compounds of Emerging Concerns – What’s on the horizon? Providence, RI.
- La Guardia, M. J. 2007. Compounds of emerging concern – An overview. VWEA LPC/VA-AWWA Good Laboratory Practice Conference. Charlottesville, Va.
Seminars / Workshops
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; B. Newman 2012. Brominated flame-retardant burdans in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa - inland and coastal sediment survay. EAAH Department Seminar. VIMS, Gloucester, VA.
- La Guardia, M. J. 2007. PBDEs, Persistent Organic Pollutants: Global and Regional Concerns. Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences Department Seminar. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
- La Guardia, M. J. 2006. Impact of CEC’s on wastewater treatment – An overview. Compounds of emerging concern (CECs) in wastewater treatment (Present Status & Future Challenges). Water Environment Federation (WEF), Webcast Series. October 4, 2006.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; D. Luellen; E. Harvey; T. M. Mainor; E. O. Bush 2006. Aquatic exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in stream subjected to municipal wastewater effluent. EAAH Department Seminar. VIMS, Gloucester, VA.
- La Guardia, M. J. 2005. Laboratory calculations. VWEA LPC/VA-AWWA Good Laboratory Practice Conference. Charlottesville, VA.
- La Guardia, M. J. 2004. Laboratory calculations. VWEA LPC/VA-AWWA Good Laboratory Practice Conference. Charlottesville, VA.
- La Guardia, M. J. 2003. Laboratory calculations. VWEA LPC/VA-AWWA Good Laboratory Practice Conference. Charlottesville, VA.
- La Guardia, M. J.; R. C. Hale; E. Harvey; T. M. Mainor; E. O. Bush; M. O. Gaylor; S. Ciparis; M. Jacobs 2002. Fate of nonylphenol ethoxylate degradation products associated with agricultural application of sewage sludge. EAAH Department Seminar. VIMS, Gloucester, VA.
Professional Memberships
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
Chesapeake Potomac Regional Chapter – SETAC (Board of Directors: 2017-2019, Committee: Event Planning Committee)
American Chemical Society (Environmental Chemistry Division)
Water Environmental Federation (Committees: Compounds of Emerging Concern Community of Practice and Virginia Laboratory Practices Committee)