Troy W. Hartley
Professor; Director, Virginia Sea Grant Program
(804) 684-7248
Integrated, adaptive management, regional governance, network analysis, collaborative research, and team science.
Davis Hall 244I
Natural Resources
- B.S. Zoology, University of Vermont
- M.A.I.S., Environmental Dispute Resolution, George Mason University
- Ph.D. Natural Resource & Environmental Policy, University of Michigan
Program, Teaching, and Research Interests
My current interests are in governance networks, their structure and function, and the application of governance networks in coastal and marine resource management (e.g., fisheries and ecosystem-based management), climate adaptation and resilience, and collaborative, multi-stakeholder decision-making. Further, I am interested in the broader applications of social science to improve collaboration, governance, management and policy, team science, stakeholder engagement, and collaborative, trans-disciplinary research. I employ theoretical and analytical frameworks from public policy, political science, and communication science.
Virginia Sea Grant
I also serve as Director of Virginia Sea Grant (VASG). VASG research, educational, and outreach activities promoting sustainability and resilience of coastal and marine resources and the communities that depend upon them. We are part of a larger national network of Sea Grant programs housed in 33 colleges and universities around the country. The National Sea Grant College Program is a state-federal, university-based partnership program, launched by Congress in 1966, with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, of the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Virginia Sea Grant is a seven-university partnership, headquartered at VIMS with William & Mary, and composed of the University of Virginia, Virginia Tech, and George Mason, James Madison, Old Dominion, and Virginia Commonwealth Universities. We advance our mission through an integrated organizational network that promotes coordination and collaboration across institutional, disciplinary, and functional boundaries among staff and partners. Our strengths are in education and workforce development, graduate and post-graduate fellowships and professional development, and extension and outreach services. We work on fisheries and aquaculture, coastal community resilience, literacy, seafood safety, and sustainable community development issues. We tackle challenging coastal and marine resource problems in Virginia, the region, nation and internationally by employing cutting-edge natural, social and economic sciences, as well as legal and policy analysis.
Current Projects
- Team Science Training for Coastal, Ocean & Estuarine STEM Graduate Students. Funded by the National Science Foundation Research Traineeship, Innovations in Graduate Education (NRT IGE)
- Integrating Stakeholder Objectives with Natural Systems Models to Promote Sustainable Natural Resource Policy. Funded by the National Science Foundation, Coastal SEES.
- Evaluating Social-Ecological Vulnerability and Climate Adaptation Strategies for Northeast U.S. Fishing Communities. Funded by NOAA Climate Program Office, Coastal and Ocean Climate Applications (COCA).
Selected Publications
- Freitag, Amy, Troy Hartley, and Bruce Vogt. [under review] Breaking Stereotypes Through Network Analysis of the Chesapeake Oyster Community. Marine Policy.
- Freitag, Amy, Troy Hartley, and Bruce Vogt. September 2017. Using Business Names as an Indicator of Oysters’ Cultural Value. Ecological Complexity. 31(2017):165-169. doi.org/10.10146/j.ecocom.2017.06.007
- Schaffner, Linda C., Troy W. Hartley, and James G. Sanders. March 2016. Moving Forward: 21st Century Pathways to Strengthen the Ocean Science Workforce Through Graduate Education and Professional Development. Oceanography. 29(1):36-43.
- Stiles, William, Molly Mitchell, and Troy Hartley. 2013. The Policy Climate for Climate Change in Virginia: Overview of Adaptation Policy, Planning and Implementation Landscape. Sea Grant Law and Policy Journal. 5(2):15—28.
- Hartley, Troy W. May 2016. Uncertainty is in the Eye of the Beholder: Using Network Analysis to Understand the Building of Trust in Science. In B.H. MacDonald, S.S. Soomai, E.M. De Santo, and P.G. Wells (eds) Science, Information, and Policy Interface for Effective Coastal and Ocean Management.Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press|Taylor & Francis Group.
- Hartley, Troy W. September 2010. Fishery Management as a governance network: Examples from the Gulf of Maine and the potential for communication network analysis research in fisheries. Marine Policy. 34(5):1060-1067.
- Hartley, Troy W., and Christopher Glass. Advanced Access Published March 23, 2010. In Press. Science-to-management pathways in US Atlantic herring management: using governance network structure and function to track information flow and potential influence. ICES Journal of Marine Science.
- Hartley, Troy W. and Robert A. Robertson. January 2009. Stakeholder Collaboration in Fisheries Research: Integrating Knowledge Among Fishing Leaders and Science Partners in Northern New England. Society and Natural Resources. 22(1):1-14.
- Hartley, Troy W. and Robert A. Robertson. November 2008. Cooperative Research Program Goals in New England: Perceptions of Active Commercial Fishermen. Fisheries. 33(11).
- Hartley, Troy W., Michele Gagne, and Robert A. Robertson. 2008. Cases of Collaboration in New England Communities: An Approach to Manage Change. Human Ecology Review. 15(2):213-225.
- Hartley, Troy W. and Robert A. Robertson. 2006. Stakeholder Engagement, Cooperative Fisheries Research, and Democratic Science: The Case of the Northeast Consortium. Human Ecology Review 13(2):161-171.
- Read, Alesia N. and Troy W. Hartley (eds). 2006. Partnerships for a Common Purpose: Cooperative Fisheries Research and Management. Symposium 52. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Society.
- Hartley, Troy W. and Robert A. Robertson. 2006. Emergence of Multi-Stakeholder Driven Cooperative Research in the Northwest Atlantic: The Case of the Northeast Consortium. Marine Policy 30(5):580-592.
- Hartley, Troy W. February 2006. Public Perception and Participation in Water Reuse. Desalination 187(1-3):115-126.
- Hartley, Troy W. 2002. Environmental Justice: An Environmental, Civil Rights Value Acceptable to All World Views. In Environmental Ethics: An Anthology. Edited by Andrew Light and Holmes Rolston III. 478 – 486. Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publishing.
- National Science Foundation, Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). Science Advisory Board Appointment. Chair of Socio-Ecological Systems Management Committee. Sustainable Ecological Aquaculture Network (SEANET), University of Maine.
- Hampton Roads Climate Adaptation Forum, Planning & Advisory Board
- Commonwealth of Virginia Coastal Policy Team
- National Science Foundation, Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). Advisory Board Appointment. New England Sustainability Consortium, Universities of New Hampshire and Maine.
- National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Committee on Evaluating the Effectiveness of Fish Stock Rebuilding Plans. Panel Member
- OAR-NMFS Ecosystem Modeling Uncertainty Workshop Steering Committee.
Taylor Goelz. Joint Masters Public Policy and Masters of Science student.
Michel (Tony) Nalovic. M.S. student. Conservation engineering and fishing practices: Turtle Excluder Devises and Bycatch Reduction in US. Now employed with CRPMEM Guyane, the French Guiana Regional Fisheries Committee.
Alesia Read, Ph.D. student. Dissertation topic: organizational behavior of non-governmental conservation organizations in fisheries management. Now employed with NOAA, NMFS Office of Communication.